Testimonies for the Church Volume 1   (5)
After leaving Adams Center, we stayed a few days at Rochester, and from that place came to Battle Creek, where we remained over Sabbath and first day. Thence we returned to our home, where we spent the next Sabbath and first day with the brethren who assembled from different places. (1T 666.1) MC VC
My husband had taken hold of the book matter at Battle Creek, and a noble example had been set by that church. At the meeting at Fairplains he presented the matter of placing in the hands of all who were not able to purchase, such works as Spiritual Gifts, Appeal to Mothers, How to Live, Appeal to Youth, Sabbath Readings, and the charts, with Key of Explanation. The plan met with general approval. But of this important work I will speak in another place. (1T 666.2) MC VC
Chapter 114—The Case of Hannah More VC
The next Sabbath we met with the Orleans church, where my husband introduced the case of our much-lamented sister, Hannah More. When Brother Amadon visited us last summer, he stated that Sister More had been at Battle Creek, and not finding employment there, had gone to Leelenaw County to find a home with an old friend who had been a fellow laborer in missionary fields in Central Africa. My husband and myself felt grieved that this dear servant of Christ found it necessary to deprive herself of the society of those of like faith, and we decided to send for her to come and find a home with us. We wrote inviting her to meet us at our appointment at Wright, and come home with us. She did not meet us at Wright. I here give her response to our letter, dated August 29, 1867, which we received at Battle Creek: (1T 666.3) MC VC
“Brother White: Your kind communication reached me by this week’s mail. As the mail comes here only once a week, and is to leave tomorrow, I hasten to reply. We are here in the bush, as it were, and an Indian carries the mail Fridays on foot, and returns Tuesdays. I have consulted Brother Thompson as to the route, and he says my best and surest way will be to take a boat from here and go to Milwaukee, and thence to Grand Haven.” (1T 666.4) MC VC